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  • Tears & Tantrums with Heidi Grainger

Tears & Tantrums with Heidi Grainger

  • 03/26/2022
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • McNear Park, near the playground


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Tears and Tantrums: Decoding Toddler Behavior

Young children have lots of passion and so many big feelings! How can we help them through tough times? How can we find patience when our kids are totally losing it? Join the Petaluma Mothers' Club and parenting instructor and coach, Heidi Grainger Russell, for a presentation about the emotional life of toddlers and preschoolers. 

We will be meeting at McNear Park, near the playground. In the event of bad weather, we will move the event to Zoom. 

About Heidi: 

Heidi discovered Hand in Hand after searching for a parenting approach that was in alignment with her belief that children deserve to be treated with respect and kindness and that they need a trusted caregiver to share their big feelings with. Parenting is a big job, and Heidi believes that we all deserve support along the way. She is passionate about sharing the Hand in Hand tools with parents and offers talks, classes, and support groups to her community. 

Heidi lives in Petaluma, CA with her husband and son. Currently she and her husband own a family acupuncture clinic and she is co-founder, musician and teacher with Animal Music, a popular kid’s music program on a farm near her home.

For more information about Hand in Hand Parenting or Heidi, click here.

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