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  • Mama Hike at Sonoma Valley Regional Park

Mama Hike at Sonoma Valley Regional Park

  • 10/27/2023
  • 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
  • 13630 Sonoma Hwy, Glen Ellen, CA 95442


Registration is closed

Let's get together for a 1.5  mile hike at Sonoma Valley Regional Park! The Cougar Trail starts off with a steep incline through the trees but tapers off to a comfortable flat-ish walk. We'll pass a beautiful estate, pond, and many lovely trees that are dropping their leaves. 

This trail is not stroller friendly, so please come with a backpack/baby carrier or solo. 

What to bring:

-Credit/debit card to pay $7 parking fee (if you are a parks member, you just need to hang your tag for free parking)

-Water and snacks



-Backpack to carry kiddo

-It is a dog friendly trail if you want to bring your fur-baby! 

The Plan

9:00am: Plan to leave Petaluma, it takes about 30 minutes to drive to the park

9:30am: Meet at the entrance of Sonoma Regional Valley Park: 13630 Sonoma Hwy, Glen Ellen, CA 95442. We'll take a few minutes to get the babes on our backs, sunscreen up and introduce ourselves. 

9:45am: Depart on the hike

10:40am: Return to trailhead 

*Option to carry on to Sonoma Eats for early lunch (they open at 11am) or we can go to Sonoma Square for a playground playdate or you can head home. 

**If you have a car with two car seats already and only plan to bring one kiddo, please let me know! We can try to ride-share as it is a 30 minute drive from Petaluma. 

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