Guest post by PMC member Amy McIntosh:
An aquaerobics class on a chilly morning in the fall sounds like a tough sell. I nearly let the foggy morning air that hovered around 55 degrees stop me from joining 10 other PMC members in the Cavanagh Pool on November 13th. But I'm glad that I poured myself a thermos of coffee and hopped in the pool for the morning's Aqua Boogie class!
As members milled around the pool deck, Kristina the instructor encouraged us to enter the heated water, buckle on a floatation belt, and find a depth in the pool that felt comfortable. After the brief initial shivers, the water turned warm and pleasant. The company was, too! Everyone in the class was quickly smiling with the funny (and yet still very athletic) experience of doing jumping jacks, lunges, and sprints while bobbing up and down in the pool.
There's another class coming up on Saturday, December 4th. Are you considering signing up? Here's a quick pep talk from Aqua Boogie regular and evangelist Brianna Wolf: "The pool is heated. Bouncing around in warm water feels so yummy. Experiencing the morning fog clearing to blue skies while steams pours off the water is dazzling. Your fellow swimmings are excellent company. You will have a huge smile on your face afterwards." She's right! Come on in... the water's fine at Aqua Boogie.
Sign-up to Aqua Boogie with us: www.petalumamothersclub.org/event-4556652