Last Friday, the PMC gathered for the annual Super Play Date at McNear Park. Everyone had a wonderful evening getting together families of the PMC. It was so fun to see children of all ages playing together in the park.
Our Programs coordinator, Kendra Hornberger organized the event including a delicious meal from Mi Pueblo! Each family brought a yummy side or dessert to share to complete our delicous meal! The kids played all evening as the adults got to visit and get to know each other better.

Face painting was provided by Lu Lu's which really added to the fun!

She is incredibly talented and the kids looked amazing!

She did an amazing job and would be great to contact if you are looking for entertainment for your child's birthday or event!

Thank you all for coming and sharing your stories! We are so lucky for this beautiful community.

Thank you Mallory Loewenthal for providing the pictures for our blog post.