Petaluma Preschool Info

09/29/2018 1:07 PM | Anonymous

The time to start thinking about preschools for our little ones can creep up so fast! In the blink of an eye, our babies turn into toddlers, and then school days are right around the corner. Whether you are just starting the process, already looking at schools, or it’s not quite on your radar yet, the PMC can help. 

Here in Petaluma, we’re lucky to have too many good schools to choose from. This can make the search overwhelming. A great place to start is with the preschool guide located here: (you must be logged in to access from the Members Only tab). 

The PMC also hosts an annual drop-in Preschool Night, where you can gather more information and meet representatives from many of the schools. Watch your email, facebook, playgroup, and this here blog for more details as we schedule that event in early 2019!

Good luck to all!

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