January Board Member of the Month
Thank you, PMC board, for nominating me as board member of the month. My role in editing the blog this year has allowed me more time to write (a treasured pastime) and to stay involved with this awesome organization.
I’ve gotten a lot from being a part of the PMC, and have realized the importance of support and shared experiences in parenting. I consider myself fortunate to have a helpful husband, close family members, and lifelong friends. But the friendships I’ve made with other moms of young children have often helped me stay sane in all this chaos. Well, maybe not entirely sane, but closer to it.
Motherhood has been my greatest, most fulfilling, and yet hardest journey in life. As a stay at home mom of three, my daily life revolves around my kids - aged 4, 2, and 1 month – and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I consider myself to be successful in this job (most days) but it hasn’t always been easy giving up my past life to get here. Some days the 24/7 needs feel like they are too much to handle; others are filled entirely with joy and love. Through the good and the bad, in every day, I’m proud to have achieved the title of “Mama”.
My partner in crime, my true love, without whom this life would not be possible, is my dog. Just kidding - it’s my husband, of course. Our life together revolves around our little family, but my husband and I rely the most on our love and connection to be the center of it all. Not all days are easy, and we don’t always see eye to eye in parenting. But we work as a team (good thing, since the little ones outnumber us now).
When I’m not focusing my time and energy on family life, I try to find some quiet solitude. I enjoy writing, reading, baking, and walking (which used to be running, before my body turned into a baby machine). Eventually, when the kids are in school, I look forward to joining other adults in the working world once again. But for now, I’m all about kids, family, mom friends, and lots of coffee.
Thanks again, PMC, for all the support and for making me board member this month!