March Member of the Month
What is your idea of perfect happiness? Spending quality time with family and friends
What is your greatest fear? Well this changed once I became a mother! my fear is something happening to my loved ones especially my husband and child.
Which living person do you most admire? I admire my mom for her strength through tough times and faith.
What has been your greatest journey? Being a mother for sure! A lot of ups and downs with many tears of happiness and frustrations and a lot of smiles, laughter and full hearts.
On what occasion do you lie? I try my best to be honest or keep my comments to myself if I’m not being true to myself.
What is your greatest regret? Not doing more for myself before I became a mom because it’s even harder now with a baby. Although I still believe I have to do what I believe feels right.
What do you consider your greatest achievement? I am proud of the mother and wife I am even if it feels that I’m doing nothing right sometimes!
What or who is the greatest love of your life? My first love of course is my husband and forever will be my first love but the love I feel for my son is unexplainable!
When and where were you happiest? I’ve always tried to be a positive person but I would say I am my happiest now especially because I am able to say home with Hector and I wouldn’t change that for the world even if we have rough days!
If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be? Nothing I’m perfectly happy with my family! My husband works hard to make us happy and spend quality time with us any chance he has.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I still continue to work on my patience especially with dealing with Hectors ever changing character
What is your most treasured possession? My family
Where would you like to live? I love living here in Petaluma but my husband and I sometimes talk about moving to Mexico so that our children grow up with the traditions of Mexico that we don’t experience so much here.
What is your most marked characteristic? Loving,caring and that I put others before myself (my husbands words, not mine lol).
What do you most value in your friends? Loyalty and being there when I need them.
Who are your heroes in real life? My father, he passed 20 years ago but when he was alive he taught classical music classes (violin, guitar, and cello) to children of low income and would let them borrow the instruments. He did this in the evenings after his 8 hour office job which is just amazing and there is still an award that goes out in his name every year through the Marin Hispanic chamber of commerce.
What are your favorite names? Héctor, Anastasia
What do you most dislike? When people take advantage of me. I’ve been told that I can be “too nice” and that sometimes backfires so I am now learning to speak up when necessary.