Submitted by: Amy Cathcart
My 4 year old has been super into science experiments lately, and one we recently did was teaching about capillary action- as we were playing with ink and water I got the idea to transfer this new knowledge into an art project for her!
1- We drew on coffee filters with markers making spirals of different colors on each one.

2- Then, we worked on folding skills and folded each coffee filter into a triangle shape by folding in half twice.

3- I lined up cups with about 1” of water in each one, and she put the folded coffee filter into the cup with just the tip of the triangle in the water.
4- We watched the water “climb” and blur the colors together, leaving us with beautifully colored coffee filters!

After they dried (24 hours later) we tied the bottom of the triangle with pipe cleaners and made a bouquet of spring flowers. This clearly wasn’t fancy enough for my fancy four year old, so we had to give them a quick spritz with perfume to make them smell pretty too