Do you ever have the feeling of not knowing what to make for dinner? I do ALL THE TIME. I feel like I make the same old thing every night. After having two kids, I have lost my creativity and drive to make a 12 course meal. I finally found something that I would like to share with you all.
I’m sure many of you have heard of Hello Fresh or other similar types of meal services. They send you weekly meals and you can choose how many people, how often to receive them and what type of meals. This type of service is exactly what I have been looking for.
Our fellow PMC blogger gave me a free trial to use so I went ahead and put my first order in. It came the next week and the first meal was a hit. Of course, Adam would rather have a slab of meat but the girls would for sure NOT eat a hunk of cow… pasta it is!
You just follow the recipe card that is provided and voila you’ve got a meal!