We're Recruiting!

05/13/2020 12:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

We are recruiting for our 2020-21 Board Term!

As we begin recruitment for next year's Petaluma Mothers Club Board we’d like to offer a few updates. Our club will be refocusing our attention to highlight the good we bring to each other and our community. Not only do we want to ensure you have safe places to openly communicate with each other, but also that there are a variety of opportunities to see each other outside of our extraordinary Facebook space. Our focus is to reunite our commonalities and celebrate parenthood together.

As you read through the descriptions below, I hope you feel inspired to be part of this new board and are as excited as we are to be part of this time of regrowth.

You can influence our future. You can influence change.

The board will now have three bodies of office: Executive Officers, Directors, and Coordinators. The updated position descriptions as well as approximate time commitments for each role are below. The Executive Officers have already been voted into their roles as this traditionally happens in April.

We will be holding another virtual recruitment event, please see the link below to register:

Click here to RSVP for Thursday. May 21st @ 8:00 PM

If you are inspired to join the board, please review the job descriptions below and fill out the Interest Form below letting us know which positions you are interested in and why.

Interest Form

Please feel free to email me at president@petalumamothersclub.org for questions.


Jessica Marcy, President

Allison Moghadassi, President Elect


Director of Membership Services

Approximate hours per month: 3-5

The Director of Membership Services is a voting member of the board that acts as the point of contact for new member information and dissemination including but not limited to general membership and Wild Apricot questions. This position oversees and reports to the board each meeting on progress of the Meals in a Pinch program as well as the Club Scrapbook.

● Maintain accuracy of information that is emailed to new members (including welcome note, discount list, playgroup links)

● Respond to phone inquiries (emailed transcripts) and forward as necessary

● Adjust phone message when needed

● Coordinate with the Director of Events to host a welcome Table at public PMC events, including display of recent Scrapbooks

● Check daily for member approval requests on Wild Apricot

● Archive any lapsed (inactive) members in order to keep the contact list below 500

● Help members troubleshoot dues by resending an invoice or directing them where to pay

● Create member/volunteer reports as requested

● Manage membership application and make changes as necessary

● Attend Board Meetings Monthly and report on all projects assigned to your position as well as the positions that report to you.


Meals in a Pinch

Approximate hours per month: 2

The Meals in a Pinch Coordinator coordinates meal trains for PMC members as requested, remind new mothers to participate

● Send questionnaire to recipient and use info to create a meal train on Mealtrain.com

● Offer 5 meals (advise requesting delivery every other day)

● Post Meal Train link to Facebook Event group

● Send blast email through Wild Apricot a few days before meal train begins

● Check in with recipient to ensure they are receiving their meals

● Submit thank you announcements to Blogger for high meal train participation

● Report any updates to the Director of Member Services before the Monthly Board Meeting. May attend Board Meetings but not mandatory.


Club Scrapbook

Approximate hours per month: 1

The Club Scrapbooker compiles photos and press clippings and shares them with the Director of Communication as well as add them into an organized scrapbook by end of term

● Maintain archive files of noteworthy Blog Posts (big events) by saving the copy and image in a google doc

● Provide scrapbooks to Welcome Coordinator

● Report any updates to the Director of Member Services before the Monthly Board Meeting. May attend Board Meetings but not mandatory.


Director of Community Outreach

Approximate hours per month: 3-4

The Director of Community Outreach is a voting member of the board that coordinates with the Community Calendar Coordinator to identify events or programs the PMC should participate in or support. This position also works closely with the Director of Events for any large community based events we should support such as the Sonoma/Marin Fair, Rivertown Revival, and the Butter and Eggs Day. This position reports to the board each meeting on progress of the Service Projects and Community Outreach efforts being done on behalf of the club.

● Inform members of community volunteer and donation opportunities

● Events include Butter and Eggs parade, CPR class, changing station at Fair & Rivertown Revival, Kid Power, car seat check, ACS Relay for Life

● Collaborate with Director of Programs on 1-2 programs/events

● Inform Publicity about potential press releases

● Submit event recaps to Blogger

● Attend Board Meetings Monthly and report on all projects assigned to your position as well as the positions that report to you.


Service Project Coordinator

Approximate hours per month: 2

The Service Project Coordinator organizes service projects throughout the year, focusing on children, women, or families in the community. Request minimum of 2 projects per term.

● Examples include diaper and clothing drives

● Can plan event or partner with Director of Programs and Director of Events

● Submit blog articles about volunteer opportunities in the community

● Create and manage events in Wild Apricot and FB Event group

● Partner with The Director of Events on Signup Genius

● Assist The Director of Community Outreach on any events scheduled, including ACS Relay for Life

● Maintain list in Google drive of past contacts, events, and successes.

● Submit blog articles and photos from events planned

● Report any updates to the Director of Community Outreach before the Monthly Board Meeting. May attend Board Meetings but not mandatory.


Director of Publicity

Approximate hours per month: 3-4

The Director of Publicity is a voting member of the board that oversees all publicity for the club. This includes but is not limited to: social media (Facebook & Instagram), distribution of flyers and other materials (digital and some hard copy), and updating club materials. Reports to the board each meeting on progress of distribution and content and checks in with Directors who may need publicity for events, programs, etc.

● Work with Director of Community Outreach and Director of Events to create Press Releases for Press Democrat and Argus-Courier

● Event info/press release will be sent to online distribution sources as appropriate

● Submit public PMC events to event calendars on various websites

● Print flyers for distribution (150 each for Fall Carnival, Spring Tea, and Egg Hunt TBD # for other events) and send 2 flyers to each school on the school list

● Work with Director of Events to get volunteers to help distribute flyers and brochures

● Maintain brochures including restocking at local business’

● Explore new ways to increase club membership

● Research and evaluate local publications for advertising options

● Point of contact for questions that arise as a result of publicity

● Attend Board Meetings Monthly and report on all projects assigned to your position as well as the positions that report to you.


Discount Program Coordinator

Approximate hours per month: 1-2

The Discount Program Coordinator creates and maintains relationships with local businesses to provide the Club with local discounts as well as set up Dine & Donate events every month.

● Recruit local businesses for discount program

● Confirm accuracy of discount program, published on website

● Contact participating businesses and provide ‘spotlight’ article to Blogger throughout term

● Plans and executes Dine & Donate event every 4-6 weeks

● Report any updates to the Director of Publicity before the Monthly Board Meeting. May attend Board Meetings but not mandatory.


Director of Online Services

Approximate hours per month: 6

The Director of Online Services is a voting member of the board that oversees maintenance of the PMC website and it's innerworkings. This includes membership renewals, invoices, and event registrations. All questions regarding online services will be directed to this position. This Director reports to the board each meeting on progress of membership numbers, outstanding invoices, state of business ads and website updates.

● Confirm accuracy of website including Presidents Note, contact info, discount list, resource guides

● Confirm ability for new members to sign up

● Partner with Business Ads to manage new and existing ads

● Own and manage PMC emails (xyz@petalumamothersclub.org), modify/add new addresses as needed, reset passwords as requested

● Renew subscription with web host

● Renew URL (petalumamothersclub.org)

● Attend Board Meetings Monthly and report on all projects assigned to your position as well as the positions that report to you.


Business Ads

Approximate hours per month: 4

The Business Ads person is responsible for reaching out to local businesses to sell ads/paid blog features on our website. This position organizes the ads for the Director of Online Services as well as foster and maintain relationships with local businesses

● Manage emails to potential advertisers and manage existing ads

● Confirm all ads on website are up to date

● Communicate billing status with Treasurer

● Compile mailing list each month

● Check res and dimensions of new ads

● Change out email message

● Send out invoices

● Collect and track payments

● Manage dropbox folder for ads

● Send spreadsheet & mailing list to editor by deadline

● Report any updates to the Director of Online Services

before the Monthly Board Meeting. May attend Board Meetings but not mandatory.


Director of Communication

Approximate hours per month: 6

The Director of Communication is a voting member of the board that creates and solicits Blog content. A minimum of 4 posts must be uploaded a month (one is the monthly President's Letter and another is birth announcements). This Director position reports to the board each meeting on progress of the blog, photos taken for the blog as well as at major events, and any projects assigned to the designer.

● Research, collect, and organize weekly content. This should include birth announcements, PMC event recaps, recipes, crafts, member of the month, playgroup spotlights and business spotlights

● Work with Board to create content

● Ensure edits are complete before posting

● Ensure accuracy of the blog page and contact information within the website

● Attend Board Meetings Monthly and report on all projects assigned to your position as well as the positions that report to you.


Club Photographer

Approximate hours per month: 2

The Club Photographer ensures that photos are taken at all PMC events and volunteer functions and submits them to the Director of Communication, Director of Publicity, and the Executive Officers.

● Gather photos from other members from playgroups and or events and share with the Executive Officers, Director of Communication, and Director of Publicity

● Provide digital images monthly to the Director of Communications as well as Executive Officers

● Report any updates to the Director of Communication before the Monthly Board Meeting. May attend Board Meetings but not mandatory.



Approximate hours per month: 5

The Designer will design brochures, flyers, and posters when given the appropriate time and information. The Designer is also responsible for maintaining the club logo and branding of the club.

● Design Facebook images for all events as well as full page flyer for Fall Carnival and Egg Hunt. Planner is responsible for confirming text, Designer responsible that image is approved before distributing

● Create template for MNO and Programs FB events

● Confirm logo is on all images

● Send approved files to Publicity for publication and printing

● Report any updates to the Director of Communication before the Monthly Board Meeting. May attend Board Meetings but not mandatory.


Director of Playgroup Engagement

Approximate hours per month: 2

The Director of Playgroup Engagement is a voting member of the board that oversees all Facebook Playgroups and posts to the main FaceBook pages as well as communicates any information and changes to the Playgroup Admins. This position reports to the board each meeting on progress of any and all Facebook issues and concerns for the group.

● Maintain current playgroup roster

● Contact Playgroup Leaders with news and updates

● Coordinates seasonal playspace

● Assist new members in joining appropriate playgroups

● Monitor inappropriate content in playgroups, and act as mediator with President when necessary

● Recruit Leader to create next years playgroup (should set up in November)

● Share photos and short write ups for Playgroup Playdates with Director of Communications

● Attend Board Meetings Monthly and report on all projects assigned to your position as well as the positions that report to you.


Playgroup Administrator

Approximate hours per month: 3

Facebook playgroup admins will be responsible for the following: approving member requests, monitoring and moderating conversation, outreach, and engagement. This includes coordinating with playgroup events to ensure photos and a brief write up are submitted when appropriate.

● Monitor inappropriate content in playgroups, and act as mediator with President when necessary

● Post an Ice Breaker Question weekly for the first year to keep the community strong and engaged. Post bi-monthly after the initial year or as the Administrator and Director of Playgroups see fit.

● Ensure photos are taken at playgroup playdates and a short description of the event to share with the Director of Playgroups monthly

● Report any updates to the Director of Playgroup Engagement before the Monthly Board Meeting. May attend Board Meetings but not mandatory.


Director of Events

Approximate hours per month: 2-4

The Director of Events is a voting member of the board that oversees all major events ensuring budgets, tasks, and plans are executed and accounted for. Is responsible for filling volunteer positions for such events and working with the Event Coordinator to lead contact to troubleshoot and problem solve issues before each board meeting. Reports to the board each meeting on progress of events.

● Prepare SignUpGenuis.com in coordination with event lead

● Post SignUpGenuis.com link to Wild Apricot and Facebook Event group

● Ensure positions are getting filled

● Send reminders via Wild Apricot blasts and bumping FB post

● Inform Event Coordinator of any issues getting positions filled

● Maintain list of members who have completed 2 hours of service

● Coordinate annual board recruitment with President

● Create and Maintain a checklist with suggested dates to have tasks completed for Fall Carnival, Family Dance, Egg Hunt, and Spring Tea

● Attend Board Meetings Monthly and report on all projects assigned to your position as well as the positions that report to you.


Event Coordinator

Approximate hours per event: 20-30 (this includes all planning through the year and adds up all committee member hours)

The Event Coordinator is the lead contact for a major club event and is responsible for but not limited to hiring vendors, planning activities, maintaining budget and recruiting a planning committee for the event. This position reports monthly to the Director of Events for board meetings.

● Create, manage and lead committee

● Secure venue for events including fees, deposits, arranging payments, and securing insurance certificate from Treasurer

● Solicit sponsors, goods, or services from local vendors to offset cost of event

● Submit monthly progress report to VP, including financial summaries

● Send Designer info to create image/flyer promoting event

● Create and manage events in Wild Apricot and FB Event group, send public event info to President to post on public FB page

● Send Thank You notes to vendors and donors

● Responsible for storage and provide written inventory of materials to VP *notes provided for individual events

● Report any updates to the Director of Events before the Monthly Board Meeting. May attend Board Meetings but not mandatory.


Director of Resources

Approximate hours per month: 4-6

The Director of Resources is a voting member of the board that creates and updates postpartum resources with an emphasis on mental health and general resource guides as well as oversees the creation and maintenance of the Community Calendar. Works closely with the Director of Publicity on any opportunity for us to cross promote the PMC and community events, works closely with the Director of Programs to ensure we don't plan anything as a club at the same time as a widely attended community event, and works closely with the Director of Publication to ensure we are writing about events we as a club participate in and to help promote community events to our members via the blog. Reports to the board each meeting on progress of these guides and brings awareness to other Directors and Executive Officers about community events pertinent to our club.

● Create and update Resource Guide of postpartum resources, provide to Webmaster

● Create blog posts quarterly with updated guides

● Partner with local doctors and community members to inform new moms about PMC

● Update guides quarterly by adding new businesses where appropriate, and confirm previously listed information

● Confirm availability of guides to members through PMC website (Preschool, Birthday Party Venues, Pumpkin Patch, Summer Camps)

● Ensure Preschool Guide is updated and completed 1 month before Preschool Night

● Develop new guides as requested, and provide to the Director of Communication

● Attend Board Meetings Monthly and report on all projects assigned to your position as well as the positions that report to you.


Community Calendar Coordinator

Approximate hours per month: 2-3

The Community Calendar Coordinator is responsible for updating our community calendar of events. Weekly research on recurring events relevant to our community, i.e. library story times, playspace hours, music classes, etc.

● Confirm Calendar link is pinned to top of FB Event page

● Keep track of all events at Chamber of Commerce, involve PMC where appropriate

● Update the Calendar in Wild Apricot Weekly/Monthly

● Do a weekly search on community events relevant to 0-5 year olds

● Report any updates to the Director of Resources before the Monthly Board Meeting. May attend Board Meetings but not mandatory.


Director of Programs

Approximate hours per month: 5

The Director of Programs is a voting member of the board that oversees all programs for the club as well as plans and hosts Mom's Night Out events once a month. They are also responsible for reporting to the board each meeting on progress of all club programs as well as attendance and overall success of the event.

● Ensure a variety of activities are set up for Mom's Night Out: such as paint night, nails, movie night, karaoke, shopping night, etc.

● Coordinate with Community Calendar Coordinator, President, and Director of Programs on Days and times of all events

● Coordinate with vendors to reserve space and request discount when possible for Mom's Night Out

● Provide food, drink, or subsidized ticket depending on event for Mom's Night Out

● Arrange for attendees payment to be made at time of RSVP for Mom's Night Out when appropriate as well as any program that requires assistance

● Ensure budget is met and funds have been received when applicable for Mom's Night Out

● Create and manage events in Wild Apricot and FB Event group

● Coordinate and/or host monthly new member socials- Create and maintain a sign up sheet for all Directors to host one a month

● Assist Program Coordinator with any events and or work with the Director of Events for assistance

● Attend Board Meetings Monthly and report on all projects assigned to your position as well as the positions that report to you.


Program Coordinator

Approximate hours per month: 3-5

The Program Coordinator plans monthly programs/events including Preschool night in January and Super Playdate in June. Updates the Director of Programs for our monthly board meetings.

● Set up a program every 1-2 months via in person or zoom

● Recruit guest speakers and negotiate speaking fee when necessary

● Collect feedback from members for future speakers and classes

● Collaborate with Director of Community Outreach on 1-2 programs/events

● Secure venue for events including fees, deposits, arranging payments, and securing insurance certificate from Treasurer

● Create and manage events in Wild Apricot and FB Event group

● Purchase refreshments, oversee set up/clean up, greet guests, and introduce speaker at event

● Follow up with written thank you to guest speakers

● Submit event recaps and photos to the Director of Communications

● Report any updates to the Director of Programs before the Monthly Board Meeting. May attend Board Meetings but not mandatory.


Field Trip Coordinator

Approximate hours per month: 5

The Fieldtrip Coordinator plans and hosts monthly field trips and updates the Director of Programs for our monthly board meetings

● Examples include airport, firehouse, police station, pumpkin patch, Sports City soccer/baseball

● Create and manage events in Wild Apricot and FB Event group

● Submit event recaps and photos to the Director of Communications

● Report any updates to the Director of Programs before the Monthly Board Meeting. May attend Board Meetings but not mandatory.

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